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Recodo's Autumn Update

Taskscape Associates

Explore new content and resources on the platform...

Following the public launch of the project’s Recodo platform this summer, we’re thrilled to share news of an important autumn update, which includes the release of several new knowledge tools. 

Recodo is an open access online platform designed to support anyone making efforts to monitor, maintain or restore vital ecosystems in farmed landscapes. The platform provides an online home for Farmer Clusters and a place to share knowledge and resources on biodiversity with key landscape stakeholders. 

Recodo offers a range of resources including materials on citizen science and professional biodiversity monitoring as well as ecosystem assessment and data tools. Visitors can discover first-hand stories and media from across Europe, sharing on the ground accounts from the frontiers of farming and biodiversity. 

"The knowledge tools launched in this update provide valuable new avenues for expanding our shared understanding of agrobiodiversity and its management. They have been designed by FRAMEwork project teams to meet some of the pressing needs of those looking to conserve and leverage biodiversity". 

The Farmland Ecosystem Assessment Support Tool from the University of Hertfordshire is a prototype software application enabling users to explore the dynamics between land use and biodiversity. Users can test the impact of biodiversity-sensitive land management decisions virtually using real-world data. The application’s innovative interface makes the process accessible and engaging - transforming the visualisation of complex habitat management data in ways that will be familiar to anyone who has used microsoft paint! FEAST enables users to input, manage and visualise biodiversity data; assess the performance of landscapes for indicator species and ecosystem services; construct maps to a plan management actions; generate reports and access relevant guidance.  

The FRAMEwork Data Hub from the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications, Barcelona, is a web application opening up biodiversity data from across our Cluster Network. The Data Hub provides a catalogue of geospatial and biodiversity datasets gathered from various Farmer Clusters and presented in an accessible format. The hub facilitates the effective management, discovery and sharing of spatially referenced biodiversity data from across existing and new Farmer Clusters in Europe. It’s designed to help inform scientists, pioneer Farmers, Farmer Cluster Facilitators and policymakers working to understand regional agrobiodiversity.

The FrameTest Decision Support Tool, created by The Luxembourg Institute of Science and Technology, is a prototype tool aiming to support decision makers. It enables users to observe and predict complex socio-economic and ecological interactions within landscapes and agricultural communities. By simulating the behaviour of hypothetical farmers who may form cooperative clusters, the tool will model how different socio-economic factors affect the economic and environmental sustainability of a farmer cluster. As FrameTest develops, beta-testing feedback from food system stakeholders is invaluable, so through launching it on Recodo LIST are inviting input from the platform’s community. You can help shape impactful solutions.

Video Abstracts created by Taskscape alongside project participants are concise, accessible and shareable media summaries of research papers.  On Recodo, you can learn how to make and submit your own video abstract on topics relevant to the platform’s community. You can also watch video abstracts from FRAMEwork and others as they appear on the platform. These videos are designed to help researchers enhance dissemination impacts and support simplifying knowledge exchange with stakeholders who are interested in applied research. 

Recodo In Real Life is an an event series developed for the platform by Taskscape alongside the FRAMEwork project consortium. The series programme will run from Q1-Q2 2025 and feature online and offline events that bring the platform’s extended network together with external stakeholders for the first time.  These events will provide an opportunity to share knowledge and learnings, discuss challenges and explore future directions of progress on key issues. 


In a fast-changing world, managing agrobiodiversity is fundamental to more sustainable food production, ecological restoration and environmental resilience. Recodo aims to help increase the availability of vital information for key stakeholders in agriculture’s green transition. By providing accessible tools and resources in an inclusive setting, the platform helps to empower and inform people acting for agrobiodiversity where they are. 

You can read more about the platform’s development here.

Get Involved!

  • Recodo facilitates free profiles for Farmer Groups, joining the platform is easier than many social networks.

  • The platform team welcome suitable resource and audience sharing collaborations with other projects, scientists and NGOs.

If you would like to get in touch, please email:, or submit a contact form.

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2020-2025 | © website by Taskscape

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This project has received funding from the European Union's

Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under

grant agreement No. 862731. 

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