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Project Podcast Launch

Taskscape Associates

A new series connects FRAMEwork into the conservation conversation...

Header graphic | © Taskscape
Header graphic | © Taskscape

We're pleased to share that the project podcast series Foodlands launched this month! The series' six hour-long episodes explore project topics with participants from across the consortium as well as external guests.

What is Foodlands?

Foodlands is designed as a go-to resource for listeners new to the issue of how our foodsystem interacts with biodiversity as well as experts who want to hear from different perspectives.

It covers key topics surrounding project work strands, sharing interesting facts and thoughts on valuing foodsystem biodiversity with listeners.

Topic strands graphic | © Taskscape
Topic strands graphic | © Taskscape

How was the series developed?

Foodlands was created by Communication, Knowledge Exchange and Participation Partner Taskscape. They began podcasting for the project in 2021, as a way of creating engaging media content within Covid-19 restrictions.

To frame the series, Taskscape interviewed American science writer Charles C Mann. He developed the 'Phrophets-Wizards' continuum which places expert interventions on sustainability issues on a spectrum - from 'prophets', who raise warnings of earth system limits and the need for practice change, to 'wizards' who think challenges will be solved by technological innovation.

Further interesting external guests include legal expert Isabelle Doussain, radical economist Timothee Parrique, sustainable farming pioneer Patrick Holden and agritech expert Mark Maslin. Guests' support for the podcast has already helped episodes featuring project participants and their work reach hundreds of listeners.

Taskscape developed editorial independence for the series, to ensure contributors felt comfortable sharing diverse perspectives. But the series is grounded in the project's interdisciplinary ethos and informed by its investigation of a blended, land-sharing, approach to managing biodiversity and ecosystem services.

Overall, the series seeks to open up the discussion of biodiversity-sensitive agriculture beyond labels and tribes to focus on big-picture shared goals.

How can I listen?

Bonus episodes are planned, including additional interviews as well as roundtable discussions hosted by project partners - so if you're interested in following the conversation please subscribe to the series wherever you listen!

Who presents the series?

Foodlands is presented by Taskscape producers Alexandra Georges-Picot and Theodore Simmons.

Alex is based out of Brittany, FR. She's hosted on European Union Radio and holds an MPhil in Agricultural History

from Oxford University.

Theo is based out of Cumbria, UK. He's worked on

EU bioscience projects and holds a degree in

English Literature from Oxford University.


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2020-2025 | © website by Taskscape

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This project has received funding from the European Union's

Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under

grant agreement No. 862731. 

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