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New on Recodo: Data Hub

Taskscape Associates

Explore on-farm ecological data from across Europe..., the FRAMEwork project’s platform supporting people at the frontiers of farming and biodiversity, has launched a useful new feature - the Data Hub!

What is the Data Hub?

The H2020 FRAMEwork Data Hub, created by CREAF, serves as a comprehensive digital repository of ecological datasets from across project areas. It's been designed for landscape stakeholders to access and leverage information on biodiversity in their regions. The hub also enables new Farmer Clusters and others beyond the project to easily add and maintain data collections.

In modern agriculture, access to ecological data is essential for balancing productivity with sustainability. The Data Hub facilitates data-driven insights into a range of farming systems, climatic zones and land management practices. Users can explore trends, analyze outcomes and contextualise practices to inform knowledge and action activities which enhance both agricultural productivity and environmental resilience.

Key Features of the Data Hub

  • Professionally recorded biodiversity data

  • Citizen Science biodiversity observations

  • Dataset creation tools for stakeholders

  • Metadata-enhanced navigation

  • Export tools for researchers


Find out more on Recodo:


How Does the Data Hub Work?

To navigate and interact with the datasets, users can access the Data Hub through its landing page on Recodo. The hub offers multiple filtering and visualization options, allowing users to view data specific to their geographic and topic-based interests. To support accessibility, CREAF built the hub based on the open source web-based catalogue GeoNetwork, part of the Open Source Geospatial Foundation.

Why Engage with the Data Hub?

The Data Hub is designed to support users inside and outside FRAMEwork in accessing and adding to project data. It's an easy and expansive way to view and leverage the combined records we've captured, using both standardised protocols and citizen science observations, over the four years of the project.

How Can I Access the Data Hub?

To explore the Data Hub and start using it as a resource for data insights, visit There you'll be able to access tutorials and other helpful information before diving in.

In Summary

Through this consolidated resource, FRAMEwork's delivering on our ambition to help mitigate the fragmented data landscape which currently hinders progress towards more informed agrobiodiversity management.

By centralizing the project's biodiversity data from across nine European regions, the Data Hub seeks to provide accessibility and legacy functionality. With the addition of the Hub to Recodo, the platform continues to expand its suite of resources supporting research and action for more sustainable agriculture.


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2020-2025 | © website by Taskscape

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This project has received funding from the European Union's

Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under

grant agreement No. 862731. 

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