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NEW EU CAP: tools and training

Taskscape Associates

An ecosystem services information day at the Estonian Cluster helps farmers connect the dots...

Farmers were eager to gain knowledge about the benefits delivered by ecosystem services. ©EMU

We held a meeting with farmers during an ecosystem services information day organised with the Estonian Organic Farming Collaboration Assemblage. Fresh measures from the EU's new Common Agricultural Policy were introduced, alongside relevant biodiversity observations, mostly from across the clusters' agricultural landscape. This involved presentations including from Dr Eve Veromann and time in the field walking the cluster.

A presentation by Dr Eve Veromann ©EMU

We also provided locally grown wild plants seed mixes produced by the company NordicBotanical for the farmers and during the autumn three plots were sown.

Preparations for sowing of wild plant seed mixes in Hauka Farm, Estonia. ©EMU

Farmers have located the globeflowers (Trollius europaeus) on their land and altered their mowing practices accordingly. They have also shared and planted bird's-eye primrose (Primula farinose).

We're pleased by ongoing progress working and learning alongside alongside farmers willing to explore measures to enhance the biodiversity present across their agricultural land.

Farmer cluster members around Hauka Village have discussed the new period CAP, what's viable and how measures can be implemented.

We look forward to updating you as the Cluster continues to consider management techniques, community engagement and regulatory contexts.


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2020-2025 | © website by Taskscape

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This project has received funding from the European Union's

Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under

grant agreement No. 862731. 

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