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Changing Landscapes of Agri-Food

Taskscape Associates

NORDECO at ECSA 2024...


The European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) is an NGO that supports and advocates for citizen science in Europe, promoting greater recognition and funding for the democratisation of knowledge production. 

“ECSA believes in a world where people are empowered to make a positive change through science. Our mission is to make science and research open, accessible and valuable for everyone.”

Since 2015, the ECSA conference has been bringing together ECSA members to celebrate the citizen science community, network and build partnerships. FRAMEwork partner BOKU is one of the conference’s founding organisers.  

This year’s conference took place in Vienna from 3-6th April and focussed on the concept of  “change”:  

“We are in a time of rapid change on multiple levels. Change can be seen as positive by one group and negative by another. As a result, different perspectives on any given change can draw completely different conclusions … We want to highlight the potential of citizen science to be a change maker in research and society, and as a tool to manage the change happening around us”

NORDECO members of FRAMEwork participate in the European Citizen Science Association (ECSA) Working Group (WG) on Agri-Food. At ECSA 2024 they presented on and discussed project-related experiences, opportunities, and challenges.

The conference was attended by over 500 participants from 36 countries. ECSA shared a summary video of the proceedings to their YouTube channel, where you can also view the opening and keynote speeches and panel discussions.


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2020-2025 | © website by Taskscape

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This project has received funding from the European Union's

Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under

grant agreement No. 862731. 

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