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Taskscape Associates

Biofeltage Austria 2024

FRAMEwork engages at Austria’s largest agricultural show...

Marie-Luise Wohlmuth leading a session | © Taskscape Media

The third annual Biofeltage (or Biofield Day), Austria’s largest agricultural show, took place on 24th and 25th May at the Esterhazy organic farm in Donnerskirchen. Esterhazy is part of the project's Burgenland Farmer Cluster and is a big player in high value biodiversity-sensitive farming in the region.

Various farmers from the Burgenland Cluster attended, along with researchers from partner The University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna (BOKU). Thanks to a series of fantastic workshops organised by our project partners, attendees were able to engage with FRAMEwork research.

Marie-Luise Wohlmuth, organised a number of exhibitions and workshops around biodiversity and the FRAMEwork model.  

Workshops included: 

  • “Crop rotation circle - biodiversity in the field”

  • “Understanding the soil with simple methods”

  • “Discovering biodiversity on and below the soil surface”

Exhibitions included:

  • “Experience crop rotation circles”

  • “Busy - busier - wild bees”

  • “The earthworm (maintained)”

  • “Humus Trend Scale "How does my crop rotation affect the soil” 

This year’s diverse event programme featured more than 200 exhibitors from all agricultural sectors, over 100 moderated agricultural machinery demonstrations, 180 display plots, around 170 different program items from the most diverse areas of land management and culinary highlights, all designed to enable consumers and producers to experience organic farming up close. 

Despite unfortunate weather conditions, a whopping 10,000 visitors turned out including, for the first time, 1000 children, who were entertained by a comprehensive educational programme in the large children’s area. 

Soil Scientist Leopold Zehl | © BOKU

Project partners IIASA and TAL also attended: to hold a bioblitz with farmers and familes and capture interviews and footage of activities. So check out iNaturalist for observations and look out for videos featuring content from the event.

Overall, the Biofeldtage 2024 was a hugely successful event the project was pleased return to. It once again proved the appetite for FRAMEwork's learnings and approaches within the wider agro-food community on the ground.


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