Knowledge Platform
A leading UK platform supporting practical, sustainable, farming regardless of labels. Framework shares resources, audiences and insights with Agricology ...

Open Science
Bio Blitzes
Experts and the wider public work together to create a useful snapshot of as many species as possible in a location. These events are inclusive, informal and fun and a key part of Framework's Citizen Science work...

Capitals Coaltion
A global collaboration redefining value to transform decision making. CC sit on Framework's advisory board and collaborate on approaches to valuing natural capital...

Ecosystem Services Partnership
Framework attends conferences and collaborates with ESP. They're raising the profile of ecosystem services and promoting better practices, coordinated by Environmental Systems Analysis at Wageningen University.

Farming & Wildlife Advisory Group
Founded by farmers, since the 60s this leading UK Org has been placing environment at the centre of successful farm businesses. They help advise and facilitate Framework's English Cluster...

Encouraging collaboration in promoting feasible, environmentally safe, methods of pest and pathogen control. Framework attends conferences and collaborates with IOBC...

Luxembourg Natur Musée
A museum in Luxembourg City sharing what natural history is - the discovery of Nature's diversity in connection with a love of science. Framework has held Bio Blitz events in conjunction with the museum...

Naturalis Biodiversity Center
A Dutch national research institute for biodiversity, with scientists dedicated to understanding and preserving biodiversity. They've provided identification tools to Framework's cluster in the Netherlands...

Owl Box Initiative
An initiative run by the Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust operating in some of Framework's Uk Farmer Clusters...

Ramborn Cider
Ramborn is the first Luxembourgish cider producer. An award-winning company operating traditional orchards, they're B-CORP certified. They're part of Framework's Born Farmer Cluster and have hosted events...

Syngenta AG is a provider of agricultural science and technology like seeds and pesticides. Represented on our board, they're trying to transition towards more responsible and sustainable usage of chemical inputs...

The Organic Research Centre
The UK’s leading independent organic research organisation. From climate emergency to food security, the way we farm is key to solving big issues facing us today! Framework shares resources, audiences and insights with ORC...

UK Farmer Clusters
Framework's Advanced Farmer Clusters across the EU & UK were seeded from a UK network hosted by The Game and Wildlife Conservation Trust, a key project partner...

Young Environmental Scientists
Framework collaborates with YES, a unique annual meeting bringing young researchers together to innovate, network and develop their skills...
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