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EP1: We explore agriculture's relationship to the biosphere and catch up with award winning science communicator Charles Mann, creator of the Prophet-Wizard continuum, to discuss why it's such a useful

way to look at life and land use in our food system. 

EP2: How can we better value nature in our food system financially? We continue our quest with

Prof Stefanie Engel, sustainable incentives expert, Dr Timothée Parrique, ecological economist,

Siim Sellis, conservationist farmer and farm advisor Clare Buckerfield.

EP3: How do we culturally value nature? We talk things over and hear from Patrick Holden, farmer and founder of The Sustainable Food Trust, Prof Ian Bradley, cultural historian and legal expert Isabelle Doussan.

EP4: What does it mean to value nature in our food system hands-on? We catch up with Dr Lee-Ann Sutherland,  Dir. of the International Land Use Study Center, Cristóbal Reina, olive farmer and hunter,

plus Farmers Union Rep Bertrand Frézel.

EP5: What does fast developing technology mean for life in our food system? We talk to Prof Mark Maslin, Agritech and Anthropocene expert, Prof Derek Stewart, Dir. of The Advanced Plant Growth Center,

Dr Youri Martin, Biodiversity Engineer and conservation writer Michelle Nijhuis to find out!

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Designed as a go-to resource for people new to the issue of how our food system impacts life on earth, as well as veterans who want to hear from different perspectives, Foodlands is an editorially independent series inspired by our project's interdisciplinary ethos which places facts over fictions, collaboration over conflict and progress over labels.

Hear from farmers, experts and activists from across the global north considering the past and future of our food lands as biodiversity loss, climate crises and food security challenges spark the question - how to value sustainability in our food system?

Brought to you by Taskscape Media. 

Disclaimer: Please note, views expressed in the series are not necessarily representative of Taskscape Media, FRAMEwork or the EU Commission - funding parties cannot be held liable for their contents. 


Co-Presenter, Assistant Producer 

Alexandra Georges-Picot

Alexandra is a journalist with an MPhil in Agricultural History.

She's based in Brittany, FR.


Production Assistant 

Beatrix Keillor 

Beatrix is a lab technician, administrator and science communications coordinator based in Dundee, UK. 


Co-Presenter, Producer, Editor

Theo Simmons

Theo is a filmmaker and producer with Taskscape Media. He's based in Cumbria, UK


Transcription Assistant 

Greta Sharp 

Greta is an artist, audio transcriber and freelancer based in

Margate, UK. 

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2020-2025 | © website by Taskscape

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This project has received funding from the European Union's

Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under

grant agreement No. 862731. 

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